Traditional Ground Burial

Traditional Ground Burial

In-ground burials describe traditional burials for casketed or cremated remains which are buried in the ground. Cemeteries offer plots, often known as graves or spaces, where in-ground burials take place. Families often memorialize loved ones with a permanent marker at the graveside.

A traditional in-ground burial consists of five components:

  1. Casket: Displays and contains the deceased, either for burial or cremation. *NOTE: As a cemetery, Forest Hills does NOT sell caskets. You will need to speak with the funeral home of your choice for this component of ground burial.
  2. Gravesite: The space or plot of ground to bury the casket or urn.
  3. Memorial: A tribute installed at the gravesite to honor and celebrate a life worth remembering. Forest Hills has sections that can accommodate either flat bronze or granite markers , and also upright granite monuments. 
  4. Vault: A steel, aluminum, polypropylene (plastic), or concrete rigid enclosure that serves as the casket's protective lining and provides safe, sure footing for your loved ones and visitors in the years to come. It also helps support the earth placed on top after back-filling..
  5. Opening-and-Closing: Preparation of gravesite for burial service that consists of opening the grave with a backhoe, and closing it after the committal services have concluded (back-filling).

* Forest Hills has both a section devoted to the interment of pets (Faithful Pets) and a unique, separate Garden of Loyalty for the interment of human remains and the pets of such deceased humans.

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